Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter Weather Dec1st-9th

Our production slowed as a cold climate change arose. The past week our entire wetland has been completely frozen. Water, dirt and all (Video & pictures below.)Were hoping our plants will pull through. The next couple days we'll be waiting patiently to get back to work, once it warms up.
Aaron Jaunusch posing for a quick picture.
Student Riley Watkins walks on thick ice.
Another shot of the frozen wetland.
Don Campbell giving an example of just how thick the ice is.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Slough Sedge Planting Process

November 20th 2009
Today more students came out and decided to lend a hand in the planting process. Which helped speed things along dramatically. We got about twice as many planted as we would have the two of us. I think we are about at 30 plants deep into the process, more info tomorrow.


November 24th 2009;
Today was another day of digging up slough sedge. Which we will continue doing so until we meet the requirements. Due to the upcoming holiday our production may slow down. As of now we are at 40 plants. More updates soon.

December 1st 2009;
After two weeks off from school it was time to get back to work. We've continued to dig out and replant the slough sedge. Its already been a long process but seems to be going along well. The total of plants as of today is 60. We need more students to come help. Four kids doesn't seem to cut it, at this rate we wont meet the deadline.

December 4th 2009;
We stepped up the process this week. We had two of us digging up slough sedge and two of us planting. We replanted approx twenty each day, the final count this week is 100. We've also been discussing with Mr. Heyen about having kids come help us on a Saturday in the near future, to continue speeding up the process. Things are starting to come together.

December 16th 2009;
Today we began shoveling debris off the side of the baseball field and spreading it throughout the embankment of the land, in high hopes to spread seed. Just another way of trying to get the planting process running smoothly.

December 17th 2009;
Today we continued shoveling the soil off the field and into the wetland, this process will take at least the next couple days.

December 19th 2009;
Today we finished up with the debris, and started a new step. We have a large amount of bark chips that we are going to use along the sides of the wetland in order to control some erosion. We will continue this project through out the time we have left before break.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day Five

Yesterday we were limited due to the rain and wind. But we still got some raking in. Today we finished it up and also took pictures on the progress they made over the weekend. We have some area now with a vast amount of water, giving us the opportunity for a frog habitat. We will continue planting throughout the week, hopefully we can get some decent weather. Pictures Below.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day Four

Today, we finish planting the grass we picked out yesterday (shown in the picture to your left.) We placed each plant a safe distance apart from each other in order to grow properly. We have about 14 plants planted so far. Were hoping to get more help over the week to speed up the process.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day Three

Today, we continued leveling out some debris.For the first time, we began to pull out some plants to sow into our newly made wetland. We dug up and situated some grass. We got about 12 plants out of the surrounding area and plan on placing them in tommorow.
Donnovan pushing wheelbarrow full of grass, soon to be planted.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day Two

Today, we picked up our supplies at Home Depot including three shovels, two rakes, and a couple pairs of boots. We then, took some pictures on the progress of the wetland(below.) We created a protected wetland folder on our computers server to keep all of our pictures and files in. Next, we began to start leveling out some of the debris off the grass and into the area, hoping to spread some seed and get some plants growing.

Reese Johnson and Donovan Campell carrying hay bails to block an eroding stream.
The Wetland as of November 10th 2009.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day One: Digging Begins

Digging began early Saturday morning, and continued on through out the day. Saturday, we learned about what needed to be planted over the course of the year. The construction is going along well. We are close to halfway done. The plan is to be working on it throughout the week. We also priced supplies at Home Depot, should be picking them up tommorow and getting to work.

- Jacob & Reese

Wetland from left to right.