Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Returning From Spring Break.

After a nice break off from school we returned to our regular schedule out at the wetland, and were surprised to see a lot of changes. The area seems much greener, the willow we've transplanted has taken off, the sedge seems to be coming along nicely, and we've even had some wildlife invade the area such as frogs and ducks. Yesterday I met with Mr. Ray and discussed the plans for the rest of the year. This week we will plant the pine trees we have behind the fish farm, take some more pictures, and on the weekend try and finish up the slough sedge. But just looking over from what we've accomplished in a year is quite a thought. We will continue to work during the weekends to get this wetland where it needs to be.

Aaron working diligently as he continues to transplant hooker willow.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March Update

Last month we did a good job planting. Were now starting to even get some wildlife visit our wetland from time to time. I'd say about 1/2 of the wetland is now covered in slough sedge aswell as hooker willow. Once spring break rolls around we are hoping to make alot of progress, and get this wetland approved.